A little history
Welcome! fotoGeeks was started in 2009 by Mark Pugh and Paul Broom of Nottinghamshire County Council ICT Services. The original idea was for a very informal, simple blog they could post their photographs to as part of a loosly formed ICT Camera club which ran during lunch-breaks.
Today, fotoGeeks comprises a blog, a forum and an ever expanding membership base with a global audience viewing our work. Membership is open to anyone, although ideally members should be from the East Midlands area in the UK to allow them to participate in our many photo-shoots. The only other stipulation is that you have a bridge camera or D-SLR camera: no point and shooters please! :-)
If you want to get in touch you can email mark@markpugh.com
If you've just dropped-by by accident... welcome! We hope you enjoy our work.