How to post

For the benefit of new(er) members:
  1. Go to
  2. in the top right hand corner it says "sign in" click that and enter your account details.
  3. You should get blogspot dashboard appear with a largeish button that says "New Post" click that button.
  4. You will then get a default post editor screen, you simpky type a " Post Title"
  5. In the next box down there is an area for you to upload photo's into, to upload a photo you need to click an icom that looks like a photo of a mountain, clicking this will open a box that allows you to upload pictres from your pc .
  6. make sure that in the box that appears you have the "UPLOAD" selected then to the right of UPLOAD you will have another button that says "Choose Files" click that and navigate to where on your PC you save pictures probably "My Pictrues" then select your picture and hit upload.
  7. Once your pic appears in the little window select "Add Picture" and it will be added to the post windows.
  8. Once you have uploaded the picture if you single click on it you will get a number of control buttons below your picture which allow you to change display size or enter some text along side your picture etc.
  9. Once you have completed the above click the big orange "Publish Post" button from the bottom of the screen.
Thanks to TC for these instructions.